About Systemverilog process and fork join

In Systemverilog, we can group statements into blocks and there are two ways to do so. The first way is groups them into begin-end block, where statements are executed sequentially. The other way is to use the fork-join block, also called parallel block. In this block, all statements are executed concurrently. This post will share how to use this fork-join block and some of its practical cases.


First up, let’s look at the structure of the parallel block. The block begin with the keywork fork, all procedure statements under this keywork will be started at the same time. When the parent process can resume its execution is depended on the closing keywork. We have join, join_none and join_any.

  • For fork-join, all the procedure statements will have to finish before the parent process can resume its execution.
  • For fork-join_any, the parent process will be blocked until one of the processes spawned by the fork finished.
  • For fork-join_none, the parent process will continue at the same time with all the processes spawned by the fork.

Just simple as that, start your block with fork, then end your block with either join, join_any or join_none. However, life is not that much easy. Let’s consider some cases below, where using some other control methods alongside fork is necessary.

fork join in a loop

fork join_none in a loop

Let consider this case, we have a list of item, and we want to start a single procedure statement for each item of that list, and we want all of those procedure statements start at the same time. Also, we need all of those processes to finish before executing any other statement. We can easily achieve the requirement using fork and join_none as below.

    int lst[5] = '{1,2,3,4,5};
    for(int i=0; i < 5; i++ )  begin
        automatic int j = i;
          $display ("%t ps, start thread %d", $time, j);
          $display("%t ps, end of thread %d", $time,j);
    wait fork;
    $display("the NEXT Statement ... ");

There are several things that we can notice here:

  • Firstly it’s the automatic keywork. We need to copy i to j automatic variable in each iteration of the for loop. Since we use join_none here, all of 5 processes will start at the same time, and we only have one i variable, and after 5 iterations, i will hold a value 4. This means that if we use i variable instead of creating local copy of it, these all 5 processes will run with the same value of i after 5 iterations, which is 4. Then we’ll end up having 5 exactly the same processes instead of 5 processes with 5 different values of a list.
  • Secondly, it’s the wait fork statement, this is for waiting all 5 processes to finish before executing the next statement.
  • Why don’t we use fork/join here? It’s simply because when using join instead of join_none inside a loop, all the processes inside fork/join will have to finish before moving to the next iteration of the loop. In the example above, if the fork/join is used instead of fork/join_none, we’ll have 5 thread executed sequentially, not concurrently.
  • Note that the automatic int j = i; statement must be after fork keywork. Let’s check below example, the j variable will be 4 in all processes:
    for(int i=0; i < 5; i++ )  begin
          automatic int j = i;   // inside a begin-end
                                 // the j is only assign value of i after the begin block start
                                 // however this begin block only start after for loop finished,
                                 // eventually j will hold the value 4 for all proccesses

fork join_any in a loop

Similar to the example above, but this time, we need to execute the next statement $display("the NEXT Statement ... "); right after ONE of the 5 processes finished. In this case, using fork/join_any will NOT solve the requirement.

    int lst[5] = '{1,2,3,4,5};
    for(int i=0; i < 5; i++ )  begin
        automatic int j = i;
          $display ("%t ps, start thread %d", $time, j);
          $display("%t ps, end of thread %d", $time,j);
      join_any // --> wait until one of the processes inside the fork/join_any finished
    wait fork;
    $display("the NEXT Statement ... ");
  • Why it does not work? What is required is to start 5 processes at the same time using a for loop, then executing the next statement right after any one of the processes finished. Here inside the fork/join_any, there is only 1 procedure statment (inside begin/end), therefore we will need to wait for the process to finish before moving to the next iteration of the loop, which means we will have 5 processes executed sequentially, not concurrently.
  • To solve this problem, we need to use fork/join_none inside loop to create 5 processes executed concurrently, and then using an event to execute the next statement right after one of the 5 processes finished.
    int lst[5] = '{1,2,3,4,5};
    uvm_event finish_event;
    for(int i=0; i < 5; i++ )  begin
        automatic int j = i;
          $display ("%t ps, start thread %d", $time, j);
          $display("%t ps, end of thread %d", $time,j);

          finish_event.trigger(); //
    finish_event.wait_trigger(); // wait for an event to be triggered instead of using wait fork;
    $display("the NEXT Statement ... ");
  • In the above example, by using fork/join_none, we have 5 processes executed concurrently. And by using uvm_event, the $display("the NEXT Statement ... "); will be executed when one of the 5 processes finished.

fork-join in a forever loop

We can also put the fork block inside a forever loop. However, we should be careful about statements inside forever loop, because they might hang our simulator. Never write any code with no statement to control the process in forever loop like below:

    forever begin
          $display ("%t ps, start thread %d", $time, j);
          $display("%t ps, end of thread %d", $time,j);
  • The above code will hang our simulator. The 2 $display tasks will be executed right away, then move to the next interation of the forever loop. This loop will run continuously and hang the simulator. We should at least have some control inside the fork-join like below:
    forever begin
          $display ("%t ps, start thread %d", $time, j);

          // Wait for some signal to trigger.
          $display("%t ps, end of thread %d", $time,j);

Also, be careful when using fork/join_none in forever loop as well . It will also hang our simulator since infinite processes will be created unless we have some process control inside the loop.

    forever begin
          $display ("%t ps, start thread %d", $time, j);
          // Wait for some signal to trigger.
          $display("%t ps, end of thread %d", $time,j);

      wait fork; 
      //--> if does not have process control such as this wait fork;
      //    the forever loop will create infinite processes and hang simulator

forever loop inside fork-join_none

By putting forever loop inside fork-join_none we need to aware that there will be a subprocess created for this forever loop. And if we do not have the control to break out of this forever loop, then the task monitor_signal in below example will never return the control.

    task monitor_signal();
          forever begin
             wait (mod_a_if.signal_a);
             // other statements
             // ...

    endtask: monitor_signal

This could cause an issue in some cases. Consider this case below, when using above task in a uvm task like main_phase:

// inside uvm component
   task main_phase(uvm_phase phase);
      //call above monitor task

  • In uvm, objections are used to synchronized consumed-time phases of all uvm components. raise_objection will increase objection counter by one, drop_objection will decrease objection counter by one. When the objection counter is zero, all uvm_component will move to next phase at the same time.
  • So to be able to move to next phase, in this example, we need to be able to drop the objection that has been raised at the start of this main_phase.
  • However, as mentioned in the previous example, the monitor_signal() task contains a forever loop inside fork-join_none. And this task will not return the control since the forever will keep running forever. Because of that, the control will not return to the main_phase() task, and the phase.drop_objection() will never be called to drop the objection. This causes the simulator to stuck at this main_phase.
  • To solve this issue, we can use the disable statement for this forever loop, or use fine-grain process control to kill this forever process. Let’s check below section.

Process control

Systemverilog supplies us several ways to control processes, those methods are especially useful when it comes to using fork/join statement. Besides, we can also use other methods such as uvm_event as above to tackle the problem.

wait fork statement

wait fork might be the statement that is used the most when controlling processes in fork join. It’s pretty simple, all the child subprocesses will have to finish before executing the next statement.

The child subprocesses are the processes started by the current process.

        #1 $display("%t ps, end of thread %d", $time,j);
        #3 $display("%t ps, end of thread %d", $time,j);
        #2 $display("%t ps, end of thread %d", $time,j);
    $display("the first process has finished");

    wait fork; // wait for all the processes inside fork/join_any to finished

    $display("the NEXT Statement ... ");

disable fork statement

disable fork, in the other hand, will terminates all active descendants (child subprocesses).

        #1 $display("%t ps, end of thread %d", $time,j);
        #3 $display("%t ps, end of thread %d", $time,j);
        #2 $display("%t ps, end of thread %d", $time,j);

    $display("the first process has finished");

    disable fork; // disable all the processes inside fork/join_any after  the first subprocesses finished.

    $display("the NEXT Statement ... ");

disable statement

We also have a disable statement, which can disable the processes of the entire block or task (cannot be used to disable a function).

Let’s use above example with new requirement: disable all remaining active process after one of the processes finished.

We have a list of item, and we want to start a single procedure statement for each item of that list and we want all of those procedure statement start at the same time.

    int lst[5] = '{1,2,3,4,5};
    uvm_event finish_event;
    for_loop_block_1: for(int i=0; i < 5; i++ )  begin
        automatic int j = i;
          $display ("%t ps, start thread %d", $time, j);
          $display("%t ps, end of thread %d", $time,j);
          finish_event.trigger(); //

    disable for_loop_block_1; //
    $display("the NEXT Statement ... ");

The disable block statement can even disable itself:

    for_loop_block_1: for(int i=0; i < 5; i++ )  begin
        automatic int j = i;
          $display ("%t ps, start thread %d", $time, j);
          $display("%t ps, end of thread %d", $time,j);

          disable for_loop_block_1; // disable itself

    wait fork; 

    $display("the NEXT Statement ... ");
  • Here we have the for loop an block name, for_loop_block_1, then when the first process finished, we kill all remaining active processes by using disable for_loop_block_1.

fine-grain process control

Systemverilog also provide us this built-in process class (in the built-in std package) to control the active processes. Mostly, I use this process class for debugging purpose, to check the status of all the processes in the fork/join block. Check the example below:

  std::process p1,p2,p3;
  initial begin
            $display("%t ps, start of thread %d", $time,1);
            p1 = std::process::self();
            $display("%t ps, end of thread %d", $time,1);
            $display("%t ps, start of thread %d", $time,2);
            p2 = std::process::self();
            $display("%t ps, end of thread %d", $time,2);
            $display("%t ps, start of thread %d", $time,3);
            p3 = std::process::self();
            $display("%t ps, end of thread %d", $time,3);

    $display("the first process has finished");
    $display("thread 1 process status: %s", p1.status().name());
    $display("thread 2 process status: %s", p2.status().name());
    $display("thread 3 process status: %s", p3.status().name());

    wait fork; // wait for all the processes inside fork/join_any to finished

    $display("the NEXT Statement ... ");
  • The p1, p2, p3 has the variable type as process class, then we use the static function self() of the process class to get the handle to the current processes of thread 1, 2, 3 respectively.
  • After that, we can use the status() method to check the status of the process.
  • We can also have other control over the process using these built-in methods of the process class: kill(), suspend(), resume(), etc.
You can run an example of this fine grain control here:

Let’s take another example of using fine grain process control with forever loop:

   std::process m_process_q[$];
      forever begin
         @(posedge signal_a);
            //... other statements

   foreach (m_process_q[i]) begin

  • In above example, we get all the handles of any process created in the forever loop and store in the queue m_process_q[$].
  • Then later, when necessary, by iterating through that queue, we can kill all those processes.

Finding more information

To have more understanding as well as more examples, you can check the IEEE Standard for Systemverilog, chapter.9 Process.

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