How to use uvm_barrier and uvm_barrier_pool

uvm_barrier is added alongside uvm_event for synchronization. This class allow us to block the specific processes until an expected number of processes reach a defined point. After that, all the pending processes will be resumed at the same time, similar to lifting the barrier.

How to use uvm_barrier and uvm_barrier_pool

uvm_barrier class basic functions

The uvm_barrier class supports several basic methods as below:

  • new(): Creates a new barrier object.
  • set_threshold(int threshold): Set the number of waiting processes threshold. If the number of waiting processes is greater or equal to this number, the barrier will be lifted
  • get_threshold(): Return the current threshold of the barrier.
  • wait_for(): Blocking the current process, increase the number of waiting processes of the current uvm_barrier object.
  • reset(bit wakeup=1): Reset the counter back to zero. If wakeup argument is 1’b1, all the waiting processes will resume. If wakeup is 1’b0, all the waiting processes will be kept waiting.
  • set_auto_reset(bit value=1): Allow the barrier to autoreset after the threshold is reach.
  • get_num_waiters(): Return the number of waiting processes.
  • cancel(): Decrease the number of waiting processes by one.

Let’s take an example below:

   uvm_barrier m_bar = new();

   // Set the threshold to 2,
   // Means the barrier will be lifted when the number of processes waiting is 2.

         $display("Process 1");
         m_bar.wait_for();  // suspend the process, increase the barrier counter by 1
         $display("Process 1 resumes");

         $display("Process 2");
         m_bar.wait_for();  // increase the barrier counter by 1, reach threshold value
         $display("Process 2 resumes");

// after 1ns, the process 1 is suspended, the counter of `m_bar` barrier will be 1. 
//            the process 1 will wait for the counter to reach the threshold value (which is 2).
// after 3ns, in the process 2, the `m_bar.wait_for()` will increase the barrier counter by 1,
//            so the counter will be 2, equal to the threshold value, then the barrier is lifted.
//            eventually both of process 1 and 2 will be resumed after 3ns.


Similar to uvm_event , we has this uvm_barrier_pool, which is a uvm_pool for uvm_barrier object. And we use it exactly like the uvm_event_pool.

typedef uvm_object_string_pool #(uvm_barrier) uvm_barrier_pool;

Let’s think of this pool as a global associative array where the keys are strings of barrier names, and the values are the uvm_barrier objects.

Also, uvm_pool is a singleton class , that explains why it has global access.

uvm_barrier_pool support several methods, but the most commonly used is get_global().

  • get_global(<string key>): Return the uvm barrier object that stored in uvm_barrier_pool with <string key>. If no item exist by the given input string, a new uvm_barrier object will be created for that key.

So to create/get an uvm_barrier object which is shared globally, we just need to call:

   // if there is no uvm_barrier stored under name "test_finish_bar",
   // a new uvm_barrier object will be created by the pool
   uvm_barrier m_finish_bar = uvm_barrier_pool::get_global("test_finish_bar");


   // Or we can directly use the event as below:


Using uvm_barrier to wait for a number of signal pulse

   virtual status_interface m_sts_if;

   // Set the threshold to 5, 
   // If there is 5 "wait_for()" statements blocking their processes, the barrier will be lifted

   uvm_event m_done_count_ev = new();

      forever begin
         @(posedge m_sts_if.op_done_signal_a);

   $display("op_done_signal_a toggle 5 times");

  • In above example code, each time the op_done_signal_a asserts, we create a process which has a wait_for() statement. This statement will increase the counter of the barrier wait_done_count by one. Also, since this process is put in fork-join_none, the forever loop will continue immediately and wait for the next rise edge of the op_done_signal_a.
  • After 5 pulses of op_done_signal_a, there will be 5 processes blocked by wait_for() statement. Since the threshold is 5, the barrier will be lifted, all 5 processes will be resumed and execute the next statement, trigger the event m_done_count_ev.
  • So using uvm_barrier and an event, we can detect when the signal has asserted 5 times.

Finding more information

  1. uvm_barrier.svh
  2. uvm_pool.svh

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